Central Excise Consultants

Central Excise Consultants in Mall Road, Amritsar

MS Legal Associates: We are Central Excise Consultants in Mall Road, Amritsar.

Central Excise Duty

Central Excise duty is an indirect tax levied on those goods which are manufactured in India and are meant for home consumption. The taxable event is 'manufacture' and the liability of central excise duty arises as soon as the goods are manufactured. It is a tax on manufacturing, which is paid by a manufacturer, who passes its incidence on to the customers.

Central Excise Duty is levied on manufacture or production of goods in India. The collection of excise duty is done by Central Board of Excise and Customs. In 2016 Union budget of India, an excise of duty of 1% without input tax credit and 12.5% with input tax credit has been imposed on articles of jewellery with the exception of silver jewellery. The government had earlier proposed an excise duty in the Budget 2011-12, which had to be rolled back after massive protests by jewellers.

The term "excisable goods" means the goods which are specified in the First Schedule and the Second Schedule to the Central Excise Tariff Act, 1985 , as being subject to a duty of excise and includes salt.

The term "manufacture" includes any process,

1. Incidental or ancillary to the completion of a manufactured product and

2. Which is specified in relation to any goods in the Section or Chapter Notes of the First Schedule to the Central Excise Tariff Act, 1985 as amounting to manufacture or

3. Which, in relation to the goods specified in the Third Schedule, involves packing or repacking of such goods in a unit container or labelling or re-labelling of containers including the declaration or alteration of retail sale price on it or adoption of any other treatment on the goods to render the product marketable to the consumer.

What are the types of excise duty?

There are three different types of central excise duties which exist in India which are as follows:

Basic - Excise Duty, imposed under section 3 of the 'Central Excises and Salt Act' of 1944 on all excisable goods other than salt produced or manufactured in India, at the rates set forth in the schedule to the Central Excise tariff Act, 1985, falls under the category of basic excise duty in India.

Additional - Section 3 of the 'Additional Duties of Excise Act' of 1957 permits the charge and collection of excise duty in respect of the goods as listed in the schedule of this act. This tax is shared between the central and state governments and charged instead of sales tax.

Special - According to Section 37 of the Finance Act, 1978, Special Excise Duty is levied on all excisable goods that come under taxation, in line with the Basic Excise Duty under the Central Excises and Salt Act of 1944.

Therefore, each year the Finance Act spells out that whether the Special Excise Duty shall or shall not be charged, and eventually collected during the relevant financial year.

Which goods are excisable goods?

The term 'excisable goods' means the goods which are specified in the first schedule and the second schedule to the Central Excise Tariff Act, 1985, as being subject to a duty of excise and includes salt.

Who is liable to pay excise duty?

The liability to pay tax excise duty is always on the manufacturer or producer of goods. There are three types of parties who can be considered as manufacturers:

1. Those who personally manufacture the goods in question
2. Those who get the goods manufactured by employing hired labour
3. Those who get the goods manufactured by other parties

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Central Excise Consultants